
From supplier documentation to global EDM

The objective

Simplification and security of all document exchanges

The "traditional" exchange by mail (electronic or traditional) inevitably leads to processing delays, errors and hidden costs at Autodistribution's scale (over 300,000 references and 200 suppliers). The aim was therefore to have a more automated and traceable exchange system, with the capacity to be constantly updated in line with the diversity of product and supplier renewals.


Autodistribution project at heart of a fast-changing information system

Autodistribution is a project that is progressing on several fronts at once: EDM, CRM, Extranet, etc. These different dimensions must be integrated into the document repository and workflows. But we have to be consistent with the progress of each of the components. Agility, yes, but in a structured way!

Our approach

From audit of business and technical requirements to deployment of an ambitious EDM project

  • Support with scoping and design, IT and business user groups
  • Implementation and setup of the Hyland Nuxeo platform
  • Configure specific supplier exchange types and workflows
  • Helping teams get to grips with the system

Autodistribution's first project with Hyland Nuxeo EDM involved digitising the entire exchange chain with suppliers. This is a key area involving several thousand transactions per month. For 2024, we are extending this capacity to handle all 'Extranet 360' documents. An ambition that requires us to be connected as a trusted platform to the main Autodistribution IS applications.

Jean-Marc Caillat-Grenier

Engagement Manager - Smile

Success stories

Discover our references

Our references

Data Factory: implementing and managing Eram Group's multichannel flows

  • Data
  • Business Apps

Delivering personalized digital customer experiences in a global business

  • E-commerce
  • E-commerce B2B

IS urbanization: a new scalable ERP to support Pellenc’s growth

  • Consulting
  • Project scoping

A more appropriate business tool to reinvent customer relationships

  • Business Apps
  • CRM

Redesigning Camif’s E-commerce platform to support its strategic ambitions

  • E-commerce
  • Consulting