Our commitments

Discover how digital technology drives societal and environmental transformations, becoming an essential lever for positive change in our daily lives.

CSR charter

Aware of the impact of digital technology, we work every day, through various actions, to limit its negative effects. Today's commitment? Develop practices that ensure digital and responsibility work hand in hand, thanks to our daily commitments. Our approach is to multiply actions to go in this direction, and to raise CSR awareness among our employees in a collective approach.

Our CSR Committee, led by employees from different expertise, allows us to have a 360° vision of subjects, issues, and to get new ideas to implement or to test.

Smile & Sustainable ICT

Smile is committed to a global greener digital approach and pays particular attention to the environmental and social impact of the delivered solutions. Managed at group level and deployed thanks to a Community of practices, responsible digital asserts itself through numerous internal and external expertise and support in accessibility, eco-design, inclusion, governance or security.

Environmental issues

Reduce, recycle, reuse... every day we try to make the 3Rs our guideline. Whether in our actions, our professions, our projects and within our premises, we are committed on a daily basis to respecting the environment and biodiversity. Since 2018, we have carried out an annual assessment of our GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions across the different scopes.

Furthermore, Smile has signed off the Planet Tech'Care manifesto, chaired by Véronique Torner, Managing Director of Alterway, and is committed to reducing its ecological impact.

Some of our daily actions:

  • Recycling of computer hardware and electronic equipment
  • Selective sorting
  • Ethical marketing
  • Recovery of phones, chargers, batteries…
  • Mobilization around projects
  • Internal awareness campaigns
  • Sponsorship of hives
  • Eco-design of digital services and Green coding

Our partners and completed projects: Ateliers du Bocage, ELISE, ECOLOGIC, COREPILE, Treely

For a long time at Smile, we have favored modes of transport with low carbon emissions through various policies to support our employees: remote working charter, sustainable mobility package operations, self-service bicycles, etc.

Social issues

Smile is part of all actions in favor of the diversity of its teams, and non-discrimination through various actions:

  • Non-discrimination in hiring
  • Respect for salaries and gender equality (Equality Index of 89/100)
  • Gender equality plan
  • Disability Committee and Referrals
  • Agreement relating to the integration of people with disabilities
  • Internal awareness campaigns
  • Responsible purchasing charter

Projects and actions: signatory of the United Nations Global Compact - signatory Femmes@Numérique - Action Diagnostic relating to the integration and continued employment of people with disabilities with the support of Agefiph, movement of #activators of progress, sponsorship of athletes for the Paralympic Games.



Because we believe that technology must also serve just causes and help humankind to progress, we regularly work on committed or mission-driven projects with partners or start-ups. Solutions against food waste, reduction of energy expenditure in buildings, reduction of the administrative burden of procedures, etc., are all subjects that motivate us.

Projects carried out: MaVoie, Graine d'orateur 93, Our neighborhoods have talent


Training and quality of life

In a sustainable development approach aimed at developing and enhancing human capital, Smile has invested nearly 3% of its payroll in 2022 in the training of its employees, in order to adapt their skills to economic and technological developments, but also to to maintain and promote their employability. In 2022, 53% of employees benefited from training actions on different themes (technical, management, project management, languages, coaching and personal development, etc.) and more than 14,700 hours of training were provided during the year 2022.

  • Association with Udemy and OpenClassRoom to provide internal training modules
  • “Strong Mind” internal training and certification platform dedicated to responsible digital technology
  • HappyAtWork label from Choose MyCompany - score of 4.07/5 for the group and its subsidiaries
  • ECOVADIS rating of 56/100 - silver medal - as a broad company