Our expertises

Business applications

Boost innovation and competitiveness with user-centred, interoperable solutions and unleash your employees' performance.

Every company has its own unique expertise

The challenge? To create a business application that meets the business and IS challenges...

At Smile, our customers choose us because, for over 20 years, we have responded to a wide variety of business needs. At Smile, we rely on product teams made up of consultants, UX designers and technical experts, who together form a complete business team, bringing a holistic vision to their clients' business teams and producing flexible, effective and proven business applications.

These Business Analysts, consultants, UX designers and technical experts are able to understand the business challenges, the uses, the difficulties to be avoided and the facilities to be exploited, in order to translate these elements into business processes adapted to the specific nature of the company, and finally, to recommend the best technical solution and build an effective business application with an optimal user experience.


The key to getting business applications right lies in a deep understanding of your sector and users’ needs. With this in mind, we focus on consultancy, with a stable of purpose-trained consultants who understand the finer detail of our clients’ specific departments. Using our flexible tools makes integration easier, paving the way for us to work hand in hand with our clients to create solutions perfectly aligned to their needs.

mathieu wuillai

Mathieu Wuillai

Offer Manager - ERP and low code applications

Open source, a technological and business asset for your company! 

As part of our commitment to offering innovative and effective solutions, we favour the use of open source solutions. This strategic orientation enables us to offer flexible, customisable, highly scalable and cloud-native solutions to create your business and technological assets.  

Adopting open source is a guarantee of sovereignty and freedom from the constraints imposed by software publishers, avoiding vendor lock-in and guaranteeing future flexibility in terms of application evolution and migration.

Finally, by offering a much lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) than proprietary applications, Open Source applications offer a major business advantage at a time when operating and maintenance costs are being rationalised.  


years of experience


projects per year

