Our sectors

Transports and mobility

Find out how Smile is powering urban mobility with connected, inclusive solutions focused on user experience.

By 2050, nearly 70% of the global population will live in cities. This rapid urbanization brings numerous challenges for regions and local governments, including access to efficient, safe, affordable, and low-carbon transportation. At Smile Group, we are convinced that addressing the growing demand for more sustainable, accessible, user-centric, multimodal, and connected transport systems offers a tremendous opportunity for stakeholders in this sector to drive development and social inclusion.

From a technical and technological standpoint, digital transformation across all levels of the sector significantly improves operational efficiency through the integration of connected systems, automation solutions, and artificial intelligence. Fleet management, route optimization, and predictive maintenance are just some of the efforts being made to optimize transportation, improve punctuality, increase reliability, and reduce costs.

We support many stakeholders in France and across Europe as they change their trajectory. STIB-MIVB (Brussels public transport network), RTM (Aix Marseille Provence metropolitan transport authority), Lausanne public transport, SNCF (French rail network), and RATP (Paris public transport) have all recognized the growing needs of their passengers in terms of efficiency, sustainability, and satisfaction.

While we applaud the major advancements already made in these markets, which face significant constraints (technical, regulatory, security, financial, etc.), we are particularly excited about the many new projects on the horizon. For example, the opening of the rail market to competition in France, 30 years after Germany, is reshuffling the deck and encouraging innovation.

The interaction and exchange with customers are the main drivers of their initiatives via e-commerce booking platforms and applications, travel optimization, integrated mobility (MaaS - Mobility as a Service), assistance solutions tailored to all types of travelers, and real-time shared information. The entire sector is undergoing a pivotal digital transformation, placing user experience, personalization, and inclusion at the heart of the services offered.

Our team, made up of experienced and complementary profiles (UX/UI designers, specialized consultants, certified accessibility experts, IT architects capable of connecting your IT system with the entire digital ecosystem, etc.), works with you to design tomorrow’s solutions, turning connected mobility into a springboard towards a more inclusive, open, and active society that meets future economic and environmental challenges.

The Challenges We Address