The CCI Haut De France aimed to implement an effective strategy to fully leverage its data heritage. This initiative stemmed from the realization that the accumulated data over time represented a valuable yet largely untapped resource. To achieve this, it was crucial to define a clear roadmap and equip the organization with the right tools and expertise.
It was essential to define a data roadmap supported by a detailed timeline, incorporating both technical functions and the needs of the company’s various business units. This approach requires close collaboration between teams to ensure that all stakeholders are aligned on objectives and priorities.
Once this roadmap is established, prioritizing key structural elements while considering technical constraints is crucial. This ensures an efficient and gradual implementation of the data strategy, minimizing risks while maximizing the overall impact on the organization's performance.
Our support and recommendations enabled the definition of a structured data strategy by precisely identifying key stakeholders, actions, and deliverables:
This preliminary work led to a unified data model, providing a clear overall vision of the key steps and deliverables required for the data strategy implementation. A detailed roadmap, along with a projected timeline, was developed to ensure a smooth and efficient transformation. Beyond the strategy itself, special attention was given to the organizational structure and methodology, ensuring governance committees and subject-matter experts could drive the necessary momentum and oversight for successful execution.
Thanks to this structured framework, the company was able to better challenge its various data flows, the aggregation and quality of its data, as well as its restitution to different business departments. This enabled a clearer understanding of certain datasets and files that were already in use, but more importantly, it helped identify unaggregated or unexploited data sets and generate ROI through associated analyses.
The organizational structure—establishing a Data Governance Committee, implementing data management and quality rules, among other initiatives—allowed CCI Hauts-de-France to gain autonomy and set up governance bodies capable of adapting to future business evolutions.
Establishing a data valorization strategy is, above all, about aligning data sources with KPIs.
Senior Data Consultant at Smile