Technological partnership


Discover Drupal, the versatile open-source CMS for dynamic websites and secure content management. Smile leads as the first French Drupal expert!

Drupal, an open source content management system (CMS), stands out for its flexibility and robustness. A favorite of developers, it offers a modular architecture allowing the creation of dynamic and personalized websites. Ideal for businesses and institutions, Drupal makes it easy to manage rich and complex content, while ensuring optimal security.

Smile & Drupal

Smile began its journey with Drupal in 2008, recognizing its potential for businesses. The arrival of Drupal 7 in 2011 strengthened our commitment, making our team one of the largest in Europe with more than 200 dedicated experts. At the heart of the Drupal community, Smile has actively participated since 2013, notably within the Drupal France association, by sponsoring events such as the national Drupalcamps and the international Drupalcon. Our involvement is also reflected in significant contributions to, affirming our leading position among French contributors.

Drupal: optimization and flexibility for site factories

Drupal excels in the context of website factories . By scrupulously respecting a design system , it ensures visual consistency on all the sites of a group, while managing the cultural and linguistic specificities of each country. This multi-brand and multi-country approach is reinforced by a code factorization strategy, which optimizes recurring costs and significantly accelerates deployments . Drupal also offers great autonomy to contributors , thanks to an easy-to-use no-code interface . This flexibility allows each brand in the group to personalize its site while maintaining overall harmony, thus demonstrating the power and adaptability of Drupal in large-scale projects.