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Adobe Experience Maker 2023: Generative AI Stories

  • Date de l’événement Jan. 16 2024
  • Temps de lecture min.

On November 7, 2023, Adobe held its event dedicated to customer experience in Paris and addressed the issue of generative artificial intelligence at length. Almost a year after the enthusiasm generated by the launch of ChatGPT, it is time to take stock! How to take advantage of these new technologies in a professional setting? The Adobe Experience Maker conferences provided several answers.

Adobe had privatized the prestigious Louis Vuitton Foundation for the event. All the photos can be found here !


How does this affect my business?

During the conferences, a striking figure was shared: 68% of employees who use ChatGPT in business have not told their management (1). This figure demonstrates the risk of wild and uncontrolled use of the tool, for example on intellectual property aspects or on the quality of information.

Most professionals recognize the strength of generative AI in productivity gains . The launch of ChatGPT made generative AI accessible to the general public and showed the full power of the technology. Many low-value-added tasks can be greatly accelerated or even handled entirely by AI.

But its excessive use raises questions, such as the loss of a certain form of originality in the content.


How to deploy generative AI in business?

The topic of generative AI is technically complex and rapidly evolving. Luc Barnaud , Chief Data Officer of the BPCE group (Banque Populaire et Caisse d'Epargne, the second largest French banking player) therefore recommends “ focusing on use cases, to avoid getting lost in technology ”. We could set up a multidisciplinary working group to mobilize different expertise, and compare business needs with a technical look at the capabilities of AI. Staying focused on use cases will help avoid wasting time exploring technical solutions that have no direct applications in your business.

Luc Barnaud then suggests planning a training stage for employees in these new tools. And depending on the complexity of the organization, it is possible to consider setting up relays who will test, validate the tools, and relay good practices to employees.


How to avoid drift? 

Violette Chomier , Chief Data Officer of the Les Echos-Le Parisien group, has established a charter on the use of AI which describes the recommended and prohibited uses of AI in the company, as well as practices aimed at ethical use of technology.

The charter addresses, for example, the notion of transparency, so that the client (in this case, the reader) knows that content comes from an AI. And also control practices to guarantee that the use of content originating from an AI has been approved in advance by qualified people on the subject covered.


To go further 

At Smile, we are convinced of the transformative potential of this new technology, and we offer you support via our dedicated Business Unit .
Our team is ready to support you with advice, choice of architecture, data engineering, and the deployment of generative AI solutions in your infrastructure.
To find out more about our offer, click here !

(1) Source: Fishbowl , January 2023

Pierrick Olivier

Pierrick Olivier

Consultant Avant-Vente