Technological partnership


Discover how Yocto, an open source Linux Foundation project, enables building custom embedded Linux distributions with its extensive tools and documentation.

Smile & Yocto

Smile is proud to support many customers with the Yocto solution. Concretely, our Linux experts will be able to support you in all your projects.

On a daily basis, we use, contribute, experiment and dissect Yocto tools.

Since its creation, we have followed the evolution of Yocto, which allows us to respond precisely to the needs of our customers.

We have carried out a large number of projects based on Yocto, some clients of which are Canal+, Nexter, PSA, Renault, Thales, etc.

If you want to learn more, our Linux for embedded white paper is available for free download! A chapter is dedicated to Yocto. To discover without delay ;)