Technological partnership


Discover Nuxeo, the high-performance digital content platform, meeting all content management needs with cutting-edge technology and ultra-modular architecture.

Nuxeo & Smile

Smile has supported Nuxeo since the very first versions of its solution. A partnership facilitated by the national roots of the publisher, all of whose R&D and development teams are based in France, despite growing success in the United States.

From the most traditional at the origin (dematerialization of documents) Smile-Nuxeo projects follow the progress of the solution to now offer DAM (Digital Asset Management) type services or even the construction of corporate repositories aggregating all types of content : web, media, documents, structured data.

A highly flexible model

Nuxeo natively offers:

  • a powerful content management and indexing engine (based in its latest versions on Mongo DB and Elastic Search)
  • a rules and business process management engine (case management)
  • a complete customization workshop (Nuxeo studio) which accelerates developments and their deployment.

The juxtaposition of its three components makes it possible to quickly build “tailor-made”, “business-oriented” content management solutions, while remaining highly scalable.

Exclusive features:

For more “ordinary” document management uses, Nuxeo also presents a set of original and interesting features:

  • desktop Drive module which allows rapid editing of documents almost without leaving the EDM
  • Connection API with a wide range of “Box” or “Cloud” type solutions (Googledoc, Office 365, etc.)
  • Ergonomic native interface directly usable for simple projects and made up of reusable components to build more complete or specialized solutions
  • Fully modular architecture that facilitates the development, maintenance and reuse of additional functionalities
  • Notion of “relations” which makes it possible to create typed links between content. The typing is reciprocal and allows you to link both internal and external elements to Nuxeo (URL)
  • Powerful notification engine (triggering alerts on numerous elements) and extensible (by email, RSS, etc.)
  • Possibility of associating several files on a GED document (management of annexes)
  • Extensive DAM capabilities (image and video processing)

Completely renewed ergonomics

The 2017 versions of Nuxeo benefit from a complete overhaul of the user interfaces, using the latest advances in web design and “client front” technologies (JS and web components). An approach that allows great freedom of customization to completely tailor the solution to the graphic or ergonomic requirements of the project.

Studio: the tool for agile projects

Nuxeo Studio allows internal and/or external project teams to configure and customize Nuxeo Platform based on the same shared graphical environment. Developments can be tested and deployed in just a few clicks. And upward portability is ensured with each new version of Nuxeo.

Did all this make you want to train?

> Participate in the complete training cycle on Nuxeo with Open Source School!