Technological partnership


Discover Ionic, the SDK for quickly building hybrid mobile apps. Now with its own base, Capacitor, Ionic supports ReactJS, VueJS, and the popular Ionic-Angular combo.

Ionic is an SDK (Software Development Kit) used to quickly build hybrid mobile applications.

The solution was historically based on an Apache Cordova base on which web bricks such as CSS3, HTML5 and Angular 2 were superimposed. Today, Ionic has broken away from Cordova, which can be described as a "legacy" technology, to develop its own base: Capacitor. Ionic has also become compatible with other frameworks such as ReactJS or VueJS. However, the Ionic-Angular combo remains the predominant variant to this day.

Ionic makes it easy for you to deploy your hybrid applications!

A hybrid application is a mobile application that contains an isolated browser instance, also called WebView, allowing you to run a web application in a native shell. Hybrid applications use a native application compactor (or “wrapper”, or “bridge”) that can communicate between the native shell and the WebView.

With Ionic, you will get the majority of functional components that can be found in native language development SDKs thanks to a large collection of community-developed plugins.

Initially based on AngularJS and Apache Cordova2, Ionic allows you to create multi-support code using Web tools such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, in order to generate iOS, Android or desktop applications.

Ionic is also the ideal development toolbox

As you know, on mobile, the user experience is crucial. So, here's the good news: with Ionic, you'll be able to create simple apps in record time while deploying them across multiple platforms. Everything to please your audience!

The solution includes a whole range of tools aimed at simplifying the lives of developers:

  • Icon Generation to generate the application icon from a simple Photoshop file in all formats and for all platforms supported by the application.
  • Ionic Lab to simulate the application on Android and iOS in a web browser.

The publisher also offers a whole series of tools dedicated to Ionic applications in Enterprise format such as a dedicated CI/CD, performance optimizers and even tools facilitating the publication of applications.