Web Summer Camp 2024: THE event for Web Professionals




SensioLabs will be present at the Web Summer Camp 2024, from July 4th to 6th, in Opatija.

An Event for Web Professionals

An in-depth conference for professionals from around the world, organized since 2012, with a focus on practical learning and the sharing of experiences among peers. Web developers, UX/UI designers, projects manager, product owners, agency owners, tech vendors, analysts, martech specialists: you are all welcome!


A Three-day Learning Journey 

Deep dive into advanced topics, setting the stage for expert-level discussions and learning.


The program

Thurday - Friday: 

  • UX Workshops
  • Business Conferences Track
  • Javascript Workshops
  • PHP workshops
  • Symfony Workshops



Conferences on relevant web topics (best practice, architecture, design, AI and more) brought to you by industry experts.