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A optimizing developer productivity with Azure document intelligence and OpenAI Service

  • Date de l’événement Aug. 29 2024
  • Temps de lecture min.

In the fast-paced world of software development, effective onboarding is key to project success. Comprehensive documentation is essential, but it often becomes complex and difficult for new developers to navigate. 

Azure services like Document Intelligence and OpenAI Services can offer solutions to this problem. By transforming static documents into dynamic knowledge bases and enabling natural language interactions, these tools make it easier for developers to access and understand information. This approach enhances the onboarding experience, turning documentation from a passive repository into an engaging learning environment.


The challenge of complete documentation

The onboarding process is a pivotal phase for new software developers, as it sets the foundation for their future contributions and overall engagement within the team. High-quality documentation is crucial in this regard, as it offers a detailed overview of the project's purpose, scope, and current status. This comprehensive knowledge base allows new developers to understand the project's objectives and how their work fits into the broader goals. By having access to well-structured documentation, new team members can grasp complex concepts and systems more effectively, which is essential for aligning their efforts with the team's vision. This initial understanding helps in building a sense of purpose and direction, which is crucial for motivating developers and helping them integrate into the team.

Moreover, good documentation acts as a self-sufficient resource, enabling developers to work independently and at their own pace. This independence reduces the need for constant mentorship or supervision, thereby accelerating the learning process and boosting confidence. New developers can consult the documentation to resolve basic queries, which not only saves time but also fosters a sense of autonomy. Additionally, documentation standardizes communication across the team by detailing project conventions, coding standards, and workflows. This standardization minimizes misunderstandings and errors, ensuring that everyone adheres to the same guidelines. 

Furthermore, having access to past decisions and architectural choices allows new developers to make informed decisions, contributing to a more collaborative and cohesive work environment. Despite its advantages, the large volume and complexity of documentation can be overwhelming, particularly for newcomers who may struggle to navigate through extensive and jargon-filled content. Thus, it's crucial to implement innovative solutions to make documentation more accessible and navigable, ensuring a smoother onboarding experience.


Introducing Azure Document Intelligence Service

Azure Document Intelligence Service is an innovative cloud solution designed to optimize the way businesses handle their documentation workflows. It utilizes AI and machine learning to automate the extraction and analysis of data from documents, enabling teams to quickly identify and utilize critical information without manual effort. This service supports a variety of document formats, making it versatile and efficient for various business needs.


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Here’s an overview of its core capabilities:

Document understanding: The service goes beyond simple text recognition to truly understand the context and semantics of the content within documents. This includes the ability to recognize and interpret the structure, meaning, and nuances of text, making it possible to automate complex document processing tasks that previously required human intervention.

Information extraction: One of the service's features is its ability to accurately extract specific pieces of information from documents, from simple details like names, dates, and numerical data to more complex elements like tables, charts, and metadata. This capability is particularly useful for projects with documentation that contains critical data which needs to be quickly accessible and actionable.

Content categorization and tagging: To facilitate easier navigation and information retrieval, this service can automatically categorize, and tag content based on its relevance and context. This feature allows users to organize their documentation in a more structured manner, enabling faster access to the needed information without examining irrelevant content.

Integration and scalability: It is designed to integrate with existing workflows and systems, supporting a wide range of document formats and sources. This service can scale to meet the demands of any project size, ensuring that all documentation, regardless of where it is stored, is accessible and manageable.

Security and compliance: Recognizing the importance of data security and regulatory compliance, the service provides robust security features to protect sensitive information. Compliance with global and industry-specific standards ensures that documentation handling meets strict legal and ethical requirements.

By taking advantage of the capabilities of Azure Document Intelligence Service, development teams can transform their documentation into a dynamic, intelligent asset. This not only optimizes the onboarding process for new developers by making it easier to find and understand project documentation but also enhances overall productivity and collaboration within teams. With its advanced AI-driven features, Azure Document Intelligence Service is the key to revolutionizing how documentation is managed and used in software development projects and beyond.


Leveraging Azure OpenAI Service

Azure OpenAI Service revolutionizes how developers and businesses utilize artificial intelligence by offering access to cutting-edge Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) models. These models are at the forefront of natural language processing (NLP) technology, capable of understanding and generating human-like text with remarkable accuracy. The service’s ability to comprehend context, interpret nuanced meanings, and recognize the intent behind user queries sets it apart from traditional NLP tools. This depth of understanding enables a wide array of applications, from enhancing customer service interactions to providing sophisticated data analysis capabilities.

Beyond understanding, Azure OpenAI Service shines in natural language generation, capable of producing coherent and contextually appropriate text. This feature is invaluable for tasks such as content creation, report drafting, and code generation. The service can generate text that aligns with specific styles or tones, making it versatile for various applications. Its scalability and integration ease allow it to support both small-scale projects and large enterprise solutions, seamlessly incorporating advanced AI functionalities into existing workflows. Azure OpenAI's commitment to ethical AI ensures that the applications developed are responsible and fair, with built-in content filtering and monitoring tools to uphold privacy and fairness standards.


Application in developer onboarding

Integrating Azure OpenAI and Document Intelligence services with project documentation revolutionizes how developers access and utilize information. Instead of relying on traditional keyword searches, developers can use natural language queries to find relevant documentation sections, making information retrieval more intuitive and efficient. Azure OpenAI's advanced NLP capabilities understand the context and intent behind these queries, providing precise answers similar to consulting a knowledgeable colleague. Additionally, Azure OpenAI can automatically summarize extensive documents, highlighting key points and concepts, allowing developers to quickly grasp essential information without wading through dense text. This accelerates their understanding and enhances productivity.

Furthermore, Azure OpenAI's ability to generate on-demand explanations and code examples is particularly valuable. When developers encounter challenging concepts or code, they can request detailed explanations or relevant code snippets directly from the documentation interface. This feature offers immediate, contextual assistance, helping developers overcome obstacles and deepen their understanding of complex topics. By combining these services, organizations can create a more accessible, user-friendly documentation ecosystem that significantly improves developer efficiency and learning.


Implementation Strategy

A complete IT project documentation

It's crucial to outline the suite of documents that constitute – from my personal experience – a complete IT project documentation. Each stage of the project, from a technical point of view, contributes to the creation or enrichment of specific documents. Here's a concise overview of these documents aligned with the stages of a software development project:



In this stage, the General Specification Document is created, that captures the formal request from the customer, outlining the project's scope, objectives, and requirements. It serves as a technical contract between the customer and the software company. Based on the general specifications, the Detailed Specification Document dives deeper into the use cases, providing detailed descriptions and expectations for the project's functionality.


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The Software Architecture Document, created by the software architects' team, describes the proposed software architecture. It includes hypotheses, identified risks, architectural decisions, and the logic behind each choice, offering a blueprint for the solution's structure.



The Technical Description Document, authored by the technical leader, outlines the technical decisions regarding the choice of technologies, frameworks, and versions. It justifies these choices and details each project component and module, often linking to autogenerated code documentation for further insights.

The Development Environment Setup Document, provides step-by-step instructions for installing and configuring the development tools required for the project, ensuring all developers can set up their environments consistently.



While no new documents are created during this stage, it is vital for the ongoing enrichment and updating of the Technical Documentation and the Development Environment Setup document. This ensures that all information reflects the latest project developments and decisions made during the build phase.



The User Guide is crucial for the end-users and is developed towards the end of the project. It details the installation or deployment process, features, and how to use the delivered software, providing a comprehensive manual for the target audience to navigate and use the software effectively.

This structured approach to documentation, supported by advanced technology, not only accelerates the onboarding process but also improves overall project communication and efficiency. 


Getting started

Step 1: Evaluate the current documentation

  • Inventory: Begin by taking stock of all your existing project documentation. Identify the different types of documents you have, such as technical specifications, software architecture documents, user guides, etc. 
  • Format and storage: Note the formats these documents are in (e.g., PDF, Word, Markdown) and where they are stored (e.g., on-premises servers, cloud storage, document management systems). 
  • Access and permissions: Sometimes documents have different security levels, so we need to understand how access is currently managed. Determine who has access to what and how permissions need to be controlled.

Step 2: Plan the integration

  • Define objectives: Clearly outline what you aim to achieve with the integration. They may include improving searchability, automating content summarization, facilitating natural language queries, or generating on-demand code examples. 
  • Select relevant services. Based on the goals, decide which Azure Document Intelligence and Azure OpenAI services will be most beneficial. For instance, Azure Cognitive Search might be key for enhancing search capabilities, while GPT models from Azure OpenAI could be used for generating explanations or summaries.
  • Architecture design: Design the architecture of your solution, considering how Azure services will interact with your existing infrastructure and how data will flow between systems.

Step 3: Prepare the documentation

  • Standardization: Ensure that your documentation is in a format that is compatible with Azure services. You might need to convert documents to a preferred format or structure. 
  • Cleanup and organization: Organize your documents logically. This may involve categorizing documents by project phase, document type, or any other system that suits your needs. Clean up any outdated or irrelevant documentation.

Step 4: Implement Azure services

  • Azure Document Intelligence setup: Start by setting up Azure Document Intelligence services. Configure the service to access your documentation repository and set up the initial processes for document understanding and information extraction.
  • Azure AI Search: Azure AI Search service takes advantage of Azure Document Intelligence indexation and categorization of documentation content, to facilitate rapid, accurate information retrieval through advanced search capabilities and text analytics.
  • Azure OpenAI integration: Integrate Azure OpenAI services to take advantage of its natural language processing capabilities. This might involve setting up APIs to connect your documentation system with Azure OpenAI for querying, summarization, and other features.
  • Azure App Service: Allows us to deploy our customized application to match specific user interactions and preferences, providing a more personalized experience.
  • Azure Bot Service: Integrating Azure Bot service in the application provides an integrated environment that simplifies bot development, debugging, and deployment. The bot can interact with users via websites, apps, email, Microsoft Teams, Slack, Facebook Messenger, and more.
  • Customization: Depending on your needs, you might need to customize the services to improve accuracy. This could involve providing examples or adjusting parameters to better understand your project’s context.
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Step 5: Test and iterate

  • Pilot program: Before a full go into production, conduct a pilot program with a small group of users. Gather feedback on the usability, effectiveness, and any issues encountered.
  • Iterative improvement: Use the feedback to make iterative improvements. This might involve fine-tuning the integration, adjusting how information is presented, or adding additional capabilities.

Step 6: Deploy and training

  • Deploy: Once satisfied with the integration, deploy it across your organization. Ensure that all relevant documentation is included, and that the system is ready for use by all developers.
  • Training and support: Provide training for your team on how to use the new system effectively. Offer support to address any questions or issues that arise.

Step 7: Monitor and update

  • Continuous monitoring: Regularly monitor how the integrated system is used and gather user feedback.
  • Ongoing improvement: Keep the system updated with new documentation and continuously improve the integration based on user feedback and technological advancements.

By following these steps, you can create a more efficient, accessible, and helpful documentation system that significantly improves the onboarding process for new developers.


Go further by training AI models

Training AI models with Azure Document Intelligence to internalize project-specific terminologies and contexts involves customizing the model to accurately process and understand the unique nature of a project documentation. This customization is essential for projects that use specialized jargon, technical terms, or have unique operational contexts.


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Data collection and preparation: Begin by gathering a diverse set of your project documentation that includes as many project-specific terminologies and contexts as possible. This collection should include various document types (e.g. technical specifications, user guides), that use the unique language and concepts used within your project.

Model customization: Choose the appropriate Azure Document Intelligence services that align with your project's needs, whether for text extraction or content classification. The goal is to select models that can be trained to recognize and interpret the specific nuances of your project’s documentation.

Annotation and labeling: Mark your documentation with tags or labels that highlight project-specific terms and contexts. This involves marking up the text to identify where and how special terminologies are used, providing a clear example for the AI to learn from.

Model training: Use Azure Machine Learning environments to train your model with the annotated dataset. This process teaches the model to recognize, understand, and process your project’s unique terminologies and contexts. Adjustments and fine-tuning may be required to optimize the model’s performance based on initial outcomes.

Evaluation: Evaluate the trained model’s ability to accurately handle project-specific language and concepts. This stage might reveal areas where additional training data or further model refinement is needed to improve understanding and accuracy.

Integration and deployment: Once the model demonstrates a solid understanding of your project's specific language and concepts, integrate it with your documentation systems. 

Ongoing improvement: As the projects evolve, new terminologies may emerge, and contexts might disappear. It's important to periodically update the training data and retrain the model to ensure it remains correct and effective at understanding your project's documentation.


The success of IT projects and the efficient onboarding of developers hinge on the accessibility of project documentation. Azure Document Intelligence and Azure OpenAI services offer advanced AI features like natural language queries, automatic summarization, and code generation, transforming documentation into a more interactive and valuable resource. This redefinition of documentation standards accelerates onboarding and boosts productivity. 

The message is clear: integrating these Azure services is crucial for enhancing documentation workflows, making them essential tools for developer success and project achievement.

Alejandro Reyes Amaro

Alejandro Reyes Amaro

AI Architect