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Launching a mobile application: 5 tips for successfully executing your project!

  • Date de l’événement Oct. 02 2023
  • Temps de lecture min.

Discover essential tips and steps for successfully developing and deploying your mobile application from conception to launch.

The need for the mobile application

This first piece of advice might surprise you: do you really need a mobile app?

To properly assess the necessity of the app, you need to start by asking a few seemingly simple but foundational questions:

  • Recurrence: Will users regularly use the app?
  • User Engagement: Can the services offered in the app benefit from push notifications and proximity on smartphones?
  • Presence on App Stores: Is it important for my brand to be on Google Play and the Apple App Store (brand visibility)?
  • Offline Mode: Can the services provided by the mobile application work offline (loss of network, utility for employees/technicians, etc.)?

If at least one of these answers is 'yes,' then you need a mobile application!

To succeed with your MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

MVP, which stands for Minimum Viable Product in English, is the initial version of your application, the one that will allow you to assess the viability of your project.

To succeed with this first version of your product, you need to go back to the basics, including the key principles of UX Design:

  • Understand your audience.
  • Identify the target users.
  • Define their digital journeys through the app.
    The goal? Deliver the right service at the right time to promote engagement and retention.

Choosing the right technology

Once the backlog (the famous list of tasks to be completed) of features is prioritized, the question of which mobile technology to adopt arises. Relatively simple and lightweight applications can be developed using Crossplatform technologies like Flutter or React Native. Apps requiring increased security, extensions (watch, widgets, etc.) tend to lean towards native technologies. Today, the standards are Swift/SwiftUI for iOS and Kotlin/Jetpack Compose for Android.

One point to note: Crossplatform (X-Platform) apps are not necessarily half as expensive as native apps, even though a single source code is needed to generate both platforms. The native approach may represent an additional 40% in cost. This is mainly due to the fact that native platforms are more productive (tools, debugging, graphical components) and require less maintenance.

The phase of interactive mockups and user testing for your app is finally an essential step. It helps prevent rework on the app once development has started. Tools like Figma enable a simulation interaction very close to a real app and allow for a comprehensive assessment of user journeys directly on smartphones and at scale.

To be inclusive and responsible

Accessibility is a key to success: the principles of accessible UX should be the foundation of your app's design. 15% of the global population has some form of disability, and many people find themselves in situational disabilities (cycling, driving, walking, glare, busy hands, etc.). Therefore, it is important, even if it may not seem necessary initially, to consider temporary and artificial impairments. The very first iPhone changed the lives of millions of people, and Android and iOS platforms are now capable of facilitating interactions for all forms of disabilities. However, it is crucial to adhere to design and programming principles, such as:

  • Typography
  • Contrast
  • Information hierarchy
  • Writing (accessible and adapted texts)
  • Use of image alternatives

Ignoring these principles means excluding a portion of your users right from the start.

Keeping your app alive

On both app stores and beyond, it's important to adhere to certain rules, much like you would on a website. Understanding the secrets of store optimization, mastering search ad algorithms. There are many nuances from one platform to another, from Android to iOS.

Within the app, the trend is towards gamification: keeping users active, rewarding them, and fostering loyalty through mini-games of chance and draw on special occasions such as birthdays (of the brand, the user, or their joining the brand, etc.). The goal is not to reward those who consume the most but those who consume the best; that's the trend!

David Renoux

David Renoux