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Generative AI: a revolution for the public sector

  • Date de l’événement Aug. 05 2024
  • Temps de lecture min.

Discover how generative AI is transforming the public sector by improving services, communication and efficiency.

Since the end of 2022, the large language model (LLM) revolution has reshaped interactions with natural language and the generation of textual content. The public sector is no exception to this transformation. Public administrations, traditionally seen as rigid and slow to adopt new technologies, now have a unique opportunity to reinvent themselves thanks to generative AI. By harnessing the power of advanced linguistic models, public bodies can streamline processes, improve services to citizens and drive innovation in ways that were previously unimaginable.

Integrating LLMs into government operations paves the way for better communication with the public, personalised services and more effective decision-making. These models can analyse large amounts of data, extract information and generate human-like text, enabling civil servants to develop policies, reports and responses more accurately and quickly. Furthermore, by harnessing AI-driven language generation capabilities, public sector organisations can improve accessibility, inclusivity and transparency, ultimately enhancing citizen trust and engagement.

By embracing the potential of generative AI, public administrations are moving towards a more agile, responsive and citizen-centric government. By harnessing the capabilities of LLMs, agencies can automate routine tasks, reduce bureaucratic hurdles and deliver services that meet the changing needs of the population. This move towards AI-enabled governance marks an important step in modernising public services and promoting a more effective and efficient public sector for the benefit of all.


An in-depth transformation of processes

Generative artificial intelligence, with its ability to handle a multitude of tasks and learn autonomously, is revolutionising the world of public administration. It offers unprecedented opportunities to optimise administrative processes and improve public services. These technologies make it possible not only to simplify and automate repetitive tasks, but also to provide precise, contextual responses in real time. They can be used to minimise human error, increase efficiency and improve service quality.

Imagine a chatbot capable of handling thousands of citizen requests simultaneously. It would be like having a dedicated virtual assistant for each citizen, able to answer their questions, guide them through administrative processes and provide a fast, efficient service 24 hours a day. This technology could also facilitate communication between citizens and the administration, reducing misunderstandings and improving user satisfaction.

What's more, an intelligent system capable of generating detailed reports from raw data in seconds could transform the way organisations manage and use information. Instead of spending hours analysing and interpreting data, staff could focus on more strategic tasks and let generative AI process the data. This would not only save time, but also provide more accurate and detailed insights, which could lead to better decisions and better management of resources. Generative AI therefore has the potential to radically change the way public services operate, making them more efficient, more accurate and more citizen-centric.


Data security and sovereignty: crucial issues

The adoption of generative artificial intelligence in the public sector is a complex and sensitive subject, which is not without its challenges. The main concerns revolve around issues of data security and sovereignty. The public sector is often responsible for managing large volumes of sensitive and confidential data. Public authorities must therefore put in place strict measures to ensure that this data remains protected in all circumstances, which is essential to maintaining public confidence and complying with legal obligations.

In addition to data security, public authorities must also ensure that the generative AI solutions they use comply with all applicable regulations. This includes, for example, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe, which imposes strict rules on the collection, storage and processing of personal data. Not only can failure to comply with these regulations result in significant penalties, it can also damage an organisation's reputation and lead to a loss of public trust.

Our white paper, entitled "Generative AI for Public Administrations", tackles these issues in depth. It provides not only a detailed analysis of the challenges facing public administrations in adopting generative AI, but also concrete strategies for secure and compliant integration of these technologies. These strategies include recommendations on best practices for data management, which security technologies to use, and how to ensure compliance with current regulations while maximising the benefits of generative AI.


Tangible benefits for developers and public authorities

Large language models are not only revolutionising interactions with the public, they are also reshaping the way developers work, dramatically increasing their productivity. By automating code generation, these models reduce the workload by eliminating repetitive tasks and minimising human error. What's more, they provide relevant suggestions in real time, helping developers to find effective, innovative solutions to complex problems.

This valuable assistance offered by language models allows developers to concentrate more on more complex and creative tasks. Instead of spending hours writing and reviewing code, they can devote more time to designing and improving the product's functionality. As a result, they can not only improve their productivity, but also the quality of their work, which translates into a better user experience and greater customer satisfaction.

Ultimately, the use of large language models can also help to improve the quality of public services. By automating certain coding tasks, developers can concentrate on creating solutions that really meet citizens' needs. For example, they can work on applications that facilitate access to government services, or on tools that make public data more accessible and understandable to the general public. In this way, large language models play an important role in creating a future where technology serves citizens, and not the other way around.


An essential guide for decision-makers

We've created a white paper entitled "Generative AI for Public Administrations" to help decision-makers, CTOs and those responsible for transformation and innovation navigate this rapidly changing landscape. The paper explores how cutting-edge AI tools can improve productivity, reduce costs and ensure compliance with stringent regulations.

Thibault Milan

Thibault Milan

Directeur de l'Innovation