Forum Mobility Transition of Rennes, the event dedicated to terrestrial mobility


Couvent des Jacobins, Rennes

Cédric Garel - Manager and recruiter in Open Source Embedded Software


Meet the Smile teams at the ID4Mobility Forum in Rennes.


The Mobility Transitions Forum offers a unique opportunity to:

  • UNDERSTAND: Through round table conferences and keynotes, decipher the evolutions of mobility, considering socio-economic aspects and environmental, technological, industrial, and societal challenges.
  • (RE)CONNECT: Gather over 600 participants, facilitating serendipitous meetings and targeted exchanges between decision-makers and stakeholders from various sectors related to terrestrial mobility, including technology, service, and infrastructure providers.
  • DISCOVER: Explore current and future solutions through an exhibition hall with over 50 exhibitors and demonstrations on various themes such as new vehicles, energy ecosystems, digital infrastructures, and more.
  • DEVELOP: Participate in workshops, pitches, and networking sessions to expand your skill network at the regional, national, and European levels, with a significant presence of actors from European projects for greater openness to new knowledge.


On this occasion, Corentin Durosselle, Vincent Cavret, Cédric Garel and Fabien Thomas will be at the SMILE stand.