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Digital Factory: a decisive strategic asset for your company

  • Date de l’événement Sep. 12 2024
  • Temps de lecture min.

The Digital Factory is a strategic asset that accelerates digital transformation, optimises costs and improves the user experience. Discover its concrete benefits!

Imagine a company capable of launching new digital products in a matter of weeks instead of months, adapting its strategies in real time to changes in the market, and turning every constraint into an opportunity for growth. This company is no myth: it's the one that has adopted the Digital Factory model.

The Digital Factory doesn't just digitise processes. It's a nerve centre where innovation, agility and performance come together to create value. Discover how this revolutionary model can help you reinvent the way you work, innovate faster and stay at the forefront of your sector.


What is a Digital Factory??

A Digital Factory is a structured structure designed to accelerate the digitalisation of businesses by integrating all the functions needed to rapidly design, develop, test and deploy digital solutions. It brings together multidisciplinary teams - from developers and UX experts to digital marketing specialists and solution architects - to ensure that digital products meet market and end-user requirements.

The Digital Factory is not just about technology. It is also a catalyst for organisational change, enabling the business to become more agile, responsive and innovative. It facilitates alignment between business strategy and technological capabilities, ensuring that innovation is always at the service of business objectives.


Why adopt a Digital Factory?

Adopting a Digital Factory means choosing an optimised framework for your company's digital transformation. Here are a few concrete benefits:

  1. Reducing time-to-market: The Digital Factory significantly reduces the time-to-market for new digital products and services. By integrating agile methodologies and DevOps practices, it accelerates the development and deployment cycle, enabling the company to respond more quickly to changing customer needs.
  2. Cost optimisation : By centralising resources and harmonising processes, the Digital Factory reduces operational costs while increasing efficiency. For example, it enables skills and technologies to be pooled, redundancies to be eliminated and the costs of integrating new solutions to be minimised. 
  3. Improved quality and user experience: Thanks to its user-centred approach, the Digital Factory encourages the creation of digital products that meet customers' needs and expectations. It also facilitates the continuous integration of feedback, guaranteeing constant improvement in the user experience.
  4. Strengthening resilience and flexibility : A Digital Factory enables a company to adapt more quickly to the vagaries of the market and to changes in technology. By adopting agile development practices and fostering a culture of innovation, it increases the company's ability to pivot or adjust its strategies as circumstances dictate.


Real-life success stories

Our latest publication presents several examples of successful transformation thanks to the Digital Factory:

  • Nocibé: In just six months, thanks to a Mobile Factory integrating design, development and marketing, Nocibé has launched a new application that has exceeded its annual sales targets, improved the conversion rate and strengthened customer loyalty.
  • Dior: By adopting an agile approach, Dior has succeeded in merging its digital pathways to offer a homogenous, premium customer experience, while complying with very strict time and security constraints.
  • Visa: With a dedicated Digital Factory, Visa has been able to harmonise its digital strategy in Europe and France, reducing development costs, improving synergy between teams, and offering a superior customer experience on its web and mobile portals.


How can you set up a Digital Factory in your company?

Deploying a Digital Factory doesn't happen overnight. Here are some key stages to consider:

  1. Defining a strategic vision : Clearly identify the objectives that your Digital Factory needs to achieve, whether they are aimed at reducing costs, improving quality or accelerating time-to-market.
  2. Involving stakeholders: A successful Digital Factory requires the support of senior management and the commitment of business and IT teams. It is essential to communicate a common vision and ensure that all stakeholders share the same objectives.
  3. Adopting an agile and collaborative approach: Implement agile methodologies to encourage collaboration between teams and enable rapid adjustments based on feedback and market developments.
  4. Investing in skills and tools : Make sure you have the talent and tools you need to support digital initiatives. This could include training teams, hiring new talent, or integrating new technologies and platforms.



The Digital Factory is not just an operational framework, it's a revolution in the way companies approach their digital transformation. It is a way of remaining competitive in a constantly changing environment, while maximising value for the company and its customers.

Want to find out more? Download the free publication ‘Digital Factory: A decisive strategic asset for your company’ and discover how best practice can transform your organisation.

Jean-Charles Bordes

Jean-Charles Bordes

Group Chief Revenue & Offers Officer