Nantes Data & AI Fair


8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Nantes Convention Center, 5 rue Valmy, 44000 Nantes

Serena Drardja - Data & AI Marketing Manager


This major event dedicated to digital innovation represents a unique opportunity to dive into technological advances that are shaping our future. Come and discover the latest trends in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, which are at the heart of current digital transformations. Our conferences will highlight how these technologies are revolutionizing various sectors, from finance to health, including industry and commerce.

Meet our team at our stand no. 38 and don’t miss our conferences led by passionate experts !


Participate in our conferences:

Transform your executive committee into an AI Gen champion: discover the Idea Group's successful experience
With incredible promises but also considerable challenges, many AI & Data project leaders struggle to obtain the support of their management. How can we transform this reluctance into a strong and visionary commitment ? Join us for an inspiring testimonial about the experience of a day dedicated to the Data & AI acculturation of the Idea comex

Generative AI: Moving from POC to Industrialization
Together with Composable, we will explore AI strategies to scale your applications based on large language models (#LLM). Optimizing and deploying AI solutions in operational environments, on the cloud or on premise will no longer have any secrets for you!