Discover Synotis in Lausanne: a vibrant city by Lake Geneva, where our multi-disciplinary teams have excelled in data specialization for ten years.
- Phone number of the agency +41 21 519 0671
- Postal address of the agency 64 avenue de Rhodanie 1007 Lausanne Switzerland
Synotis has established its headquarters in Switzerland, a decision that its founders have found to be highly advantageous. The location offers a stunning setting and a vibrant business environment that is conducive to growth.
Synotis is strategically situated in close proximity to the offices of Smile Suisse and UX-Republic Suisse. This proximity fosters collaboration between our businesses, enabling us to deliver high-value projects for all our customers.
We are proud to offer three key pillars to support your success:
- Strong expertise in consulting and data projects
- Commitment to meeting deadlines & objectives
- A collaborative spirit that extends to our teams and yours!
We invite you to visit our Lausanne office. Our work environment encourages autonomy and involvement, which are part of our daily routine. Our mission is to foster the professional development of each employee. These individuals will then be able to provide the best possible support to our customers in their digital and data transformation projects in Switzerland and elsewhere.

Robert Bounheng
Co-founder & Sales director
years’ experience
specialist consultants